Tuesday, June 30, 2009

new post coming soon

I've got lots more pictures to post very soon, just gotta figure out what's going on with the camera. I tell ya, if it ain't one thing it's ten others! Plugged the camera into the computer the other night & the darn thing tells me it doesn't recognize the camera!! Uggg, this thing already eats batteries like they're candy now I can't get the pictures off to share with everyone else! Hang in there & hope to have the problem fixed soon.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Wanted to share a couple of pics of some cakes that I've made. Hoping to expand the "business" one of these days.
groom's cake for my brother's wedding
(1st one I ever made that would be seen
by the public)
my son's b-day cake
this was for a baby shower for a friend
the flowers are made from fondant
(& no, it doesn't taste like playdough)
I actually made a cake for Easter this year but
for some reason I didn't take a picture of it.
(Yes, I am kicking myself for that)