Thursday, October 22, 2009

pink ribbon cake

This cake comes with a little bit of a back story. Last week one of my girlfriends rode with me to deliver a birthday cake to a friend in Belton (just outside of Killeen, TX) & we got to talking about recent events in our hometown. She filled me in on a very special lady that works with her at her school that was diagnosed with breast cancer about 2 weeks after school started this year. She told of how every.single.person. on their campus has rallied around to support this lady, all the special things they have done & are planning to do for her to keep her spirits up as she goes through treatment. When she was telling me all this, besides being totally in awe, it got me to thinking of how I could help. So when she said they wanted to do a pink cake & pink lemonade day I immediately volunteered to make the cake. I know God has a plan for everyone & everything & I totally & completely believe that He put my friend in my truck that day to tell me that story. The kindness & support that these folks have displayed has been completely inspiring. The writing is kinda hard to see in the pictures but it says: Team Stephanie Fight Like A Girl. They had this printed on t-shirts that every person on campus has bought & wears every Thursday & I believe will be wearing in the upcoming Susan G. Koman Race For The Cure race in Austin, TX. I encourage everyone to do what you can to support the fight against breast cancer, every woman diagnosed is someone's mother, sister, daughter, friend.

hanna montana cake

I absolutely loved this cake!! It was sooo much fun making a birthday cake for a little girl. Her only request was that she wanted a Hanna Montana cake to go with her Hanna Montana birthday party & I was happy to oblige! I baked the cake & bought the decorations from Wal-Mart (bakery & health & beauty departments). I can only take partial credit for the design for this cake, the edible image was from but I did combine it with the guitar lip gloss (totally my idea).

Saturday, September 26, 2009

spongebob cake

So last weekend I made a Spongebob cake for my youngest son's birthday party. Again the design of this cake came from, although I did buy the little decorations from them & did the work myself. I think it turned out to be the cutest thing ever (& my little one was ga-ga over it!)!! Did I mention he likes Spongebob?? ALOT!! Anyways, check it out & see what you think.

Monday, August 31, 2009

mickey mouse cake

So before I post a new pic, I should tell you that this is NOT an original design by me, I totally copied THIS CAKE from CAKES.COM. I did this as a favor for some friends of ours for their daughter's b-day & absolutely did not accept any money for this. That being said, take a look at the picture below & tell me what you think. How cute is this cake???

Thursday, July 30, 2009

wilton class cakes

so after doing the wedding & groom's cakes for my cousin's wedding I decided it was time for me to take the wilton class at hobby lobby. i really needed to learn the proper techniques for lots of stuff. so take a look at what i did & let me know what you think.

this is one of the cakes i made in class 1. cute, huh?

this was the final project from class 2. and yes, as hard as it
is for my husband to believe me - i made all the flowers BY

b-day cards

These are some cards I made for my cousin's kiddos. Hope they liked them as much as I liked making them.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

new post coming soon

I've got lots more pictures to post very soon, just gotta figure out what's going on with the camera. I tell ya, if it ain't one thing it's ten others! Plugged the camera into the computer the other night & the darn thing tells me it doesn't recognize the camera!! Uggg, this thing already eats batteries like they're candy now I can't get the pictures off to share with everyone else! Hang in there & hope to have the problem fixed soon.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Wanted to share a couple of pics of some cakes that I've made. Hoping to expand the "business" one of these days.
groom's cake for my brother's wedding
(1st one I ever made that would be seen
by the public)
my son's b-day cake
this was for a baby shower for a friend
the flowers are made from fondant
(& no, it doesn't taste like playdough)
I actually made a cake for Easter this year but
for some reason I didn't take a picture of it.
(Yes, I am kicking myself for that)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

fonts for peas

i wanted to share a FANTABULOUS website/blog that i found today, for the whole 2 people that may be reading this. i can't tell you enough how awesome this site is, not only do they have the absolute cutest stuff but they share some of it, for free!! check out kevin and amanda to see what i'm talking about. i promise you won't be disappointed.

**on a side note, i love comments so leave me some (when i post something comment-worthy) & i've got the little follow me button over there so click on it & follow me.**

until next time...toodles!

Friday, May 29, 2009

cards, cards and more cards

a birthday card

Mother's Day card I made for my mom & m-i-l

two doves wedding card

love is patient wedding card

happily ever after wedding card

Monday, May 25, 2009

welcome to my new world

Welcome to my new blog. The purpose of this lil'o blog is to share with you out there all my fabulous past, current & future projects. As I once told a friend, I ooze craftyness and this is a wonderful way to showcase it. As you may have noticed I currently publish two other blogs, one for my full-of-life boys & one for my full-of-sh*t rants. This one doesn't fit into either catagory.

As far as the name is concerned, I just pulled it out of thin air. No, not really. I thought long & hard about what to call this new baby. After MANY, MANY, MANY attempts at other names (tons of which are taken but no longer active) I remembered a question I had on an employment application I filled out recently and I quote, what do you like to do in your spare time? My first thought was, what spare time? then I remembered it was for a job with the school district & they had a strict 'no smart ass' policy in place. Since it was for the school district I crafted a very honest answer about spending time with my kids or some such something. Hopefully that will be the winning answer in my quest to getting a job. ha ha I have to preface this next statement with, I-LOVE-MY-CHILDREN-DEARLY!!, that said in my spare time I like to craft!! I am always on the look out for my next project. Paper, sewing, candles, soaps makes no difference to me, I wanna do it all.

Anyways, check back often as I hope to update many times with all the fun stuff I'm doing.